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Manual Therapy 

Manual therapy is a special form of therapy in which the therapist uses his hands to influence the mobility and function of the joints, muscles and connective tissue. The aim of manual therapy is to treat functional disorders in the musculoskeletal system, relieve pain and improve mobility.


Targeted hand movements and techniques help to mobilize or stabilize the affected areas of the body. Both gentle and stronger techniques are used here, which are individually tailored to the patient and their symptoms.


Manual therapy can be used for various complaints and diseases such as back pain, neck pain and headaches, joint pain or muscular imbalances.


In summary, manual therapy can be described as a form of therapy in which the mobility and function of joints, muscles and connective tissue (fascia) are influenced through targeted hand movements and techniques in order to alleviate symptoms and improve mobility.

For whom is manual therapy suitable?

For example in the case of the following complaints:


  • Musculoskeletal complaints such as back pain, neck tension, joint pain

  • disc problems

  • headaches and migraines

  • dizziness or tinnitus

  • TMJ disorders such as TMD, grinding or biting

  • after injuries, surgeries or rehabilitation

  • Muscle tension, muscle hardening, muscle injuries

  • and much more

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