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Osteopathically oriented physiotherapyon the basis of the sectoral non-medical practitioner law

Unlike traditional physiotherapy methods, which often focus on isolated symptoms and areas of the body, osteopathic physiotherapy looks at the body as a whole and looks for possible causes of discomfort that can occur in different areas of the body.


Osteopathic techniques are based on the concept that the body is a self-regulating entity and that all body systems, including the muscles, bones, organs, fascia and nerves, work in close interaction with each other. By using gentle, manual techniques such as mobilization, manipulation and stretching, blockages and dysfunctions in the body that impair mobility and function and can lead to pain or other discomfort can be released.


In summary, it is about bringing the body into a state of balance and harmony in order to activate and support its natural self-healing power. Osteopathic techniques can be used for a variety of ailments and diseases, such as back and joint pain, headaches, indigestion, breathing difficulties, stress and sleep disorders.

For whom is physiotherapy with an osteopathic focus suitable?

For example in the case of the following complaints:


  • Chronic musculoskeletal pain

  • muscle and joint pain

  • Disorders in the digestive system such as irritable bowel syndrome or heartburn

  • sleep disturbances and fatigue

  • Headache, dizziness, balance disorders

  • Disorders in the peripheral nervous system such as sensory disturbances, paralysis, pain

  • Respiratory disorders or limitations in lung function

  • Dysfunction of internal organs

  • Conventionally clarified but unclear symptoms

  • and much more

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