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Our practice strives to provide quality treatment tailored to your individual needs.


The price depends on various factors, such as the length of the sessions and the scope of the services. Since the practice attaches great importance to individual and holistic treatment, we would like to adjust the prices to the needs and possibilities of our patients.

For those with statutory health insurance


Our statutory health insurance approval allows us to bill manual therapy and other physiotherapeutic remedies by law. In order to optimize the provision of services and to make them more efficient, we offer the option of upgrading the existing medical prescription by making an additional payment in order to extend the duration of treatment and to be able to respond exclusively to your needs. We will be happy to advise you on the corresponding difference.



For private and private benefits insured


The services in the field of physiotherapy and manual therapy can be performed in our practice and are usually reimbursed by private health insurance. However, since the amount of reimbursement depends on your health insurance company and your insurance contract, you are welcome to contact your health insurance company in advance to find out about possible costs that could arise.


For those with statutory and private insurance


Thanks to my qualification as an alternative practitioner for physiotherapy, I can prescribe remedies from the field of physiotherapy myself. The basis of the service provision is based on the overview of fees for therapists (GebüTH). You should check in advance whether the costs will be reimbursed by your health insurance company.


The osteopathically oriented physiotherapy costs between 80 and 100 euros for 45-60 minutes, depending on the scope of services.


The prices for hypnosis and impulse body shape coaching are between 90-180 euros per session between 45-120 minutes, depending on the time required and assessment. It is important to know that the desired result can be achieved from the very first therapy session.

These services are usually not covered by health insurance.




physical therapy

Manual therapy


Physiotherapy with a focus on osteopathic techniques 45-60 minutes from 80-100 euros


Body shape coaching 45-90 minutes from 90-180 euros


Hypnosis 45-90 minutes from 90-180 euros




physical therapy

Manual therapy


Physiotherapy with a focus on osteopathic techniques 45-60 minutes from 80-100 euros


Body shape coaching 45-90 minutes from 90-180 euros


Hypnosis 45-90 minutes from 90-180 euros

Please write email or call us for further information, thank you.

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